Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Peanut Brittle

This recipe wasn't bad, it just wasn't any different from the other brittle recipe I have. I have a lot of these recipes, so until one significantly outshines my Buttery Cashew Brittle, I will have to discard them. The one difference in this recipe was that it called for a skillet specifically. Also, it called for a 290 degree hard crack, my thermometer says 300 degrees for hard crack. I used salted cocktail peanuts, so I left off the salt and watched to make sure they didn't burn since they were already cooked. I think it might have tasted a bit better if I had added a bit of salt. I used a buttered baking sheet instead of "platters" and didn't need to blanch my peanuts as they were already cooked. Also, I accidentally added more corn syrup, having misread my notes!! Perhaps that affected the taste, I don't know!!

Peanut Brittle

2 c. sugar
1 c. corn syrup
1 c. water
2 c. unroasted peanuts, blanched
1/4 t. salt
1 t. butter
1/4 t. baking soda

1. Combine sugar, corn syrup, and water in a heavy skillet. Cook slowly until sugar dissolves.
2. Cook to 238ºF (soft ball).
3. Add blanched peanuts and salt. Cook to 290ºF (hard ball) stirring constantly.
4. Remove from heat and add butter and baking soda.
5. Pour on greased platters, lifting occasionally to keep from sticking.

Note: To blanch peanuts, cover with boiling water for 3 minutes, then run under cold water.

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