Sunday, January 1, 2012

Chocolate Mousse

It seems I am starting off the new year with a couple of failed recipes!! This was another vintage recipe that failed big time. It was more like an ice cream than a mousse. It calls for a "refrigerator tray", which I think might be those old-fashioned metal ice cube trays with no dividers. Of course I don't have any of those, so I used a cast-aluminum griddle instead. I also made a mistake with the whipped cream, getting a bit lazy and buying the spray type rather than whipping it up myself. In the end I don't know if that made any difference in the final product or not. My other recipes were better mousse recipes. I did learn that Ghirardelli makes a product called "ground chocolate", which seems to be a combination of ground chocolate and cocoa. It has the same consistency as cocoa powder, but might have other ingredients.

Chocolate Mousse

1 c. Ghirardelli's ground chocolate
8 T powdered sugar
2 c. rich milk (I used half-and-half)
small can evaporated milk
2 t. vanilla
4 t. gelatin
6 T cold water
1 c. sugar
1 pint cream, whipped

Mix ground chocolate, powdered sugar, and milk; scald, take off stove and add both gelatin to which cold water has been added, and the cup of sugar, stirring until entirely dissolved (about 3 minutes)l add vanilla. When cold and ready to set, add whipped cream and put into refrigerator trays and freeze. This makes a generous serving for 8 to 10 people.

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